
Organised by Pfizer

Discover, understand, take action

Pfizer would like to inform you about an upcoming hybrid webinar of which they believe could greatly benefit patients.

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have observed a growing desire among individuals to take greater ownership of their healthcare journey. To better understand the specific needs of various patient populations, we collaborated with 14 patient organizations, conducting thorough discussions.

Based on this extensive research, we think having identified the most common challenges patients face when dealing with their medical conditions.

Considering this, we are pleased to announce the organisation of a hybrid webinar specially designed to address the needs of individuals with medical conditions, requiring both short-term and long-term follow-up.

  • Dutch hybrid webinar: 17/10
  • French hybrid webinar: 24/10

To register or obtain further information, patients can visit www.healthpower.be

This event aims to assist patients in navigating the complexities of the healthcare system, providing them with access to relevant information and raising awareness about the existence of patient organizations.